Judd Apatow would sell his grandmother to the Nazi Party

Posted: February 2, 2017 in Uncategorized
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Concentration camps brought to you by the Socialist Democrat Party and George Soros.

The irony is that Hollywood is loaded with communist Israel-hating Jews. There is no humor in the empty Socialist mind; wannabe unfunny fucks like Judd Apatow would rather drag down America through vulgarity and dullness. Look no further than the slew of his fake “comedy” turds squeezed out over the years and starring the regular Screwie Jewie crowd. Not a single mitochondiral stand of actual humor in any of them. They just take up air and space.


Yet another disgusting Hillary lover.

You know the litany of rehashed Apatwat movies with fucking slobs like dope smoker Seth Rogen and the pig-faced Amy Schumer. They are all unfunny, untalented, ugly as fuck, and equally worthless. They make their living making ‘rape jokes’ and being degenerates, then hang out with each other during their pet Liberal Causes and publicly castigate those who don’t listen to their horseshit.


Another subhuman responsible for regurgitated dogcrap sprinkled with Democrat talking points. 

Democrat donors and fuckheads like Apatow are up in arms that the Chinese money they laundered through the Hillary Clinton Campaign did not make it back to their Malibu bank accounts. They played by the rules dictated by the major movie studios and lost more millions in political contributions than they did on their box office disasters. They thought they could just make shitty movies and bad mouth Republicans with little effort, China would bankroll them.


The Hollywood Shit Merchants can make millions by doing absolutely nothing.

The Walk of Shame could lambast these unfunny pieces of shit, but they do enough damage to themselves. They are paid to bring society to a base level in order to dumb consumers down to the point they will watch anything.  They make even more money with the Chinese run movie studios if they are willing to sell out America and shit on conservatives at every opportunity. Hence the daily Tweets and Twitters from these communist traitors against a free and democratic Israel and USA.



Has Sarah Silverman ever contributed anything to humankind?




If you pretend to be a Democrat, then you can get away with sending dick pics to teenage girls.


Future Jon “Stewart” Leibowitz roommate and pedophile with National Security clearance, thanks to the likes of all the above.


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Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah, the biggest South African sensation since AIDS, plays it cool with the white liberal millennial crowd.

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