Satanic potheads attack Christmas, blame white supremacists

Posted: December 5, 2021 in Uncategorized
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You are a bigot if hate strung out agents of the Devil shitting on everything good and decent.

Down the shithole rolls Hollywood nobody fuckers who are paid by China to trash Christian holidays, capitalism, and the psyche of American children all at the same time. HBO’s latest attack on humanity, a foul-mouthed fucked up version of Kris Kringle named Santa, Inc. was such a hateful woke piece of shit, it became the worst reviewed show in entertainment history. YouTube killed the dislike button and all comments. Rogen’s career is now trailing murderers Alec Baldwin and OJ Simpson in the likeability category.

Santa, Inc. gets the gas chamber and not in a good way according to Anti-Semite Weekly.

According to Seth Rogen’s Marxist puppet show, Christmas is inherently racist, sexist, and run by Nazi trolls. Santa is a big fat disgusting white bigot running a sweat camp at the North Pole and gets all the credit for the toys made in China. No, the elves in this Hollyweird version are not Muslim Uyghurs slaving away in Chinese prison camps making trinkets; they are radicalized anti-corporate ANTIFA types ready to burn down Santa’s workshop and free the reindeer from oppression.

Sarah Silverman promises to be funnier in her next animated live action abortion.

Taking their cues for Jussie Smollett, Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman blame movie reviewers for the mess they created in between bong hits. Of course, the lily white shit for brains blames “white supremacy” on the utter hatred posted online for trying to turn Christmas into the Communist Manifesto. As if pot smoking duo were expecting accolades for butchering The Story of Christmas with dick jokes. These unorthodox fuckers actually enjoy turning everything into dogshit. They think they can get away with being paid political assassins by hiding behind their collective “I’m just a mistreated Jew in a racist country” Millionaire’s Club facades.  They are groveling at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party with ever breath they take. They are so low on the entertainment scale, they aren’t even worth acknowledging. If they lived in China, they would be ground up into Koi food.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Inc. at it again.

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