The Colonel Klink Syndrome: why out of work actors suck Obama’s ass

Posted: January 8, 2017 in Uncategorized
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90% of trained and qualified actors are out of work at any time. University Performance Arts graduates have a 1 in 10 chance of ever making it to the stage. But overpaid and underworked actors can make it big if they pretend to be bleeding heart liberals. Especially those who play the bad guys and want to change their public image. They can ingratiate themselves with fellow National Socialist Democrats by pretending to love homosexuals, Muslims, and illegal aliens- while at the same time hate on the military, police, the banks, and big corporations.


Type-casted German-American stage actor Werner Klemperer (March 22, 1920 – December 6, 2000) was born to a Jewish father who fled to America when the Nazis rose to power. Playing a Hollywood villian takes its toll on starving artists looking for a handout from their communist masters. Who is going to cast a Nazi look-alike in a summer Broadway play?


Nazi collaborator pulling the strings.

George Soros and the Spielbergs know these weak minded entertainers will spread their convoluted message of “Social Justice,” even though their reasoning is the antithesis of what they are preaching. In reality, communists execute drug dealers, users, rich folks, and homosexuals. They use minorities as slave labor.


Talent is in short supply, so actors have to impress their Marxist employers in between gigs. Some are just acting when they join Democrat run Public Service Annoucements; others are bonafide traitors who would love to lock up every person they disagree with. The sickest among them march against the police whenever directed by George Soros. Where does all this Cop Killing rhetoric come from?


D-list actors have mortgages on their Malibu efficiency apartments and illegal alien nannies raising their bastard kids. This costs money. Actors have to pay for their cocaine habits and trips to Dubai in between jobs waiting tables at Los Angeles’ gay hotel diners. They need a steady income like the rest of us, albeit with astronomical waste and harm to the environment (see gas guzzler and mega-polluter Leonardo DiCaprio).

The actions of Hollywood’s more affluent prove the small amount of guilt they have for being wealthy. They just want the movie studios to love them, so they repeat in front of the world what Harvey Weinstein wants to hear.


UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Change


Bug-eyed nobody Michael Shannon is currently teamed up with Obama’s buddies Bill Ayers and Cornel West to change the dichotomy of their Socialist religion. Their heroes Castro, Stalin, Mao, and Chavez are responsible for the deaths of 100,000 million people around the world, yet they accuse those they disagree with of being “fascists.” The dry David Strathairn from San Fransicko tags his name to the Communist Manifesto as easily as a stoned Berkley hippie. Strathairn always plays the malefactor within the out of control bureaucracy, which he loves in real life because he loves big government forcing folks to watch his shitty acting. When you play the bad guy in ever movie, you got to get libtards to like you by attacking Western democracies. Otherwise you wouldn’t have a paycheck for doing nothing but acting like the asshole you are in real life.


The Human Centipede plays a villian in real life. His ugly fucking face justs wants to be loved by the Left.

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Good night and go fuck yourself David Strathairn.

Cornel West with Barack Obama in 2007

Barry has been chillin’ with communist professors his entire life.


Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans attends anti-Israeli conferences in Tehran and coordinated civil unrest with the Obama Whitehouse, not to mention raised money for al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.


Sean Penn has never met a dictator or drug lord he didn’t like. Ashley Judd cut her own uterus out and tits off in order to impress her talent agent. Poor ol’ Ed Harris plays a gangster by day and a anti-gun hero by night. Ed Asner continues his aspirations to have top billing on the Communist Watch List to keep his career alive.

7c325ee5c790b213873fedd7c74fbbbb sean-penn-with-mexican-drug-lord_240x180_41452397741 penn-chavez

Best of buddies like Chuck & Buck.

Sean Penn’s father Leo Penn was a black-listed actor/Communist sympathizer during the McCarthy era who later directed several popular TV shows through the 90’s. Ironically the blacklisted Penn Sr. served with a bomber squadron stationed in England during WWII , while the younger hangs out with mass murderers.


Leo Penn, standing 2nd left, serving his country before turning RED.


Radical pro-abortionist and menopausal Ashley Judd named Good Will Ambassador of the United Population Fund. As her looks and mind fade, so goes her acting career.

How can you be pro-woman and pro-hijab at the same time unless you’re just bat shit crazy?

The hijab is a symbol of Islam’s brutal oppression of women. Other Democrat role models like Kal Penn and Jeffrey Wright do whatever they can to be noticed.


Meet Obama’s Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement, complete with security clearance and $41K a year salary. Those Injuns shure do have a helluva work ethic.



Jeffrey Wright, no stranger to the police taser, is an outspoken Anti-Trumper in between cancellations and supporting roles.

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