F*ck News Chris Wallace declares Trump still Prez as Taliban wins 20-year war

Posted: August 16, 2021 in Uncategorized
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Wallace asks Mike Pompeo why does Donald Trump shit in Joe Biden’s diaper and push him out of Air Force One?

Fake News’ very own Chris Wallace still thinks President Trump is still in office. Every single fuck up by Joe Biden and the Soros administration is blamed on Donald Trump. Week after week Wallace repeats Democrats’ inversion of reality that somehow Donald Trump is responsible for rising crime, rising interest rates, rising gas prices, defunding the police, and a wide open border.

The latest mindfuck is that Sleepy Joe was not involved in re-arming the Taliban and turning the retreat of American personnel in Kabul into the Fall of Saigon 2021.

These days, General Miley Cyrus, Secretary of Defense Black Lives Matter, and top brass at the Pentagon take their marching orders directly from George Soros. They allowed the Taliban to kill Afghani interpreters, seize military bases, and have facilitated the take over of the capital in Kabul. The interim Afghani president has fled the country to save his skin.

Before leaving office, Trump had brokered a deal with the Taliban warlords and Afghani leadership to draw down troops beginning May 1, while leaving a handful of security forces for the coalition government.  China Joe didn’t want Trump getting credit for ending the War in Afghanistan, so his shithead generals reneged on their promise to the Afghan coalition.

“…let’s blame Trump before Liz Cheney can.”

Gay Pride Month celebrated at US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan

The Pentagon abandoned military bases throughout the country, leaving behind trillions of dollars of equipment for the Taliban to scrounge through, and ordered American personnel to remain for a bloodbath of civilians they could blame on Trump.

Joe Biden’s hasty exit of Afghanistan left the Taliban a cache of abandoned American weapons, drones, and armored vehicles they used to quickly destroy the National Afghan Army. The Taliban takeover of the entire country lasted only a few days, while the US Embassy in Kabul flew the Gay Pride flag of surrender, enraging the locals.

Christmas time in Shitzitstan.

Taliban strolls into Kabul while Biden squirts his Depends.

Taliban announces ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ from presidential palace in Kabul and on Twitter.

Taliban terrorist leader Zabihullah Majahid is still on Twitter posting about killing everybody, while– President Trump is banned. Liberals planned this military failure and got exactly what they wanted; plus they think they’ll get away with blaming Trump. Thanks to HNIC Lloyd Austin, Afghanistan is now the best equipped terrorist hotbed threatening the Free World. Lloyd also agrees with killing off whitey, even though Afghanis are biologically Caucasian.

“We’re gonna test all the white people for COVID and teach them to hate themselves…”

Lloyd, General Millie Bobbie Brown, and the rest of the career traitors made way for the second rise of the Taliban to create terror attacks on American soil – they plan to blame on Trump supporters. They have the likes of Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney waiting in the wings to make it official that the Taliban takes marching orders directly from Donald Trump. And the Taliban demand a recount of the 2020 election.

Afghan stowaways fall to their deaths at Kabul International Airport in scenes worse than the withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975. 

Bodies of Afghanis stuck to landing gear trying to flee the Taliban.

“Yeh, it’s Donald Trump’s fault that guy fell out the plane…we should keep Democrats in charge of everything forever, even after they lock me up and execute my family.” – Liz Cheney on the Sunday Talk Show circuit.

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