Gay Empire actor stages Hate Crime with drug dealers

Posted: February 1, 2019 in Uncategorized
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Jussie Smollet, from victim to felon in 3 weeks. Stupid ass.

Poor Li’l Jussie was either being written out the Empire series on Fox and/or disgruntled at his measly $1.7 million a year acting gig. Therefore the little bitch had to do something about it to garner attention. His first attempt was to send himself a bullshit letter with mysterious white powder in it (aspirin) and the return address scribbled “MAGA” K-K-Kountry. The scribbled shit was sent to the set of Empire in Chicago, which is 80% Democrat, along with his DNA he spent hours licking, cutting and pasting.

When that failed, Li’l Bitch hired a couple of Nigerian-American brothers to fake an attack on his faggot ass in the wee morning hours during a polar vortex and shit. The same brothers prosecutors revealed had been dealing drugs to Smollett. (Source: Daily Mail.UK)

After hours of rehearsals and the street cameras pointed in the right direction, Li’l Bitch went to the local hardware store and purchased some rope for the event. Two extras from the Empire set were seen buying masking and red MAGA hats hours before. Now the racist story has unraveled and he is facing 3 years in prison for making false statements to the po-po.  Pooty Tang’s ass is in a real ringer after the Nigerian brothers confirm they were paid $4000 by Smollett to stage the fake hate crime.

When will the suicide watch begin? 

Someone please help the crying demented Trump-Haters out there in La La Land. Tell them that they aren’t the victim of anything. Tell them it isn’t George Bush’s Donald Trump’s fault they are so ButtHurt all the time.  If they lived in the Socialist Mexican Muslim Utopia they dream of, they would be tossed off a roof instead of starring in movies and making millions of dollars. LBQTV AIDS activists quickly condemn normal human beings for keeping the sanctity of marriage; ass-lickers on late night TV push the same old “Us- against- Them” narrative. Out of work talentless hacks are alway auditioning for the next Bryan Singer movie by slobbering about some made up Hate Crime, usually just to divert attention from the rampant pedophilia going on in the movie industry. Some join fictitious causes to avoid talking about how often they sucked the skid marks out of Harvey Weinstein’s boxer shorts during his rape fests. And every single one of them loves Obama and company.

America loves fags, hell half of them and 1/3’rd of illegal aliens voted for Hillary Clinton for God’s sake. There is no homophobia in the Trump Whitehouse, in fact it is the most progressive and gay-friendly administration we’ve ever had. Trump just doesn’t like traitors and pedophiles that flock around the Clintons.

Nonetheless, Hollyweird is triggered by ever word Trump tweets. It is all an orchestrated attempt to redirect attention away from Hollywood chi-mo’s and sexual perverts running the business into the ground.  We suggest they go live in some Gay friendly Muslim country.

So the gayest guy in Hollywood is fired from the set of the Freddie Mercury biopic? (Source: Hollywood Reporter) NO WONDER ELLEN PAGE IS UPSET.

Did Colbert mention that Donald Trump created 304,000 private sector jobs in January, despite the Democrats’ Government Cheese Shutdown? (Source: Right Wing Racist White Devils at Breitbart)

Fruits like Smollett have to resort to spraying bleach in their own faces and hanging fake nooses around their necks to blame MAGA Country for their incessant butt fucking and drug use. They fabricate fake attacks on themselves in order to blame those who have nothing to do with their fucked up lifestyles. Will the Hollywood libtards retract their “impassioned and not rehearsed tirade” against VP Mike Pence when Jussie Smollett-in-da-Toilet is arrested by the Chicago PD for giving false statements?

Do you believe Trump supporters wander around downtown Chicago at 3AM in Minus 20 Degree weather? There are really Republicans in Smollett’s Uptown Gay Ass Negro district? You do if you’re a fan of leftist Shit Twitterers like Empire actor Jussie Smollett and watch Stephen Colbert. Now Li’l Bitch is going to jail for lying to cops. Now that’s a HATE CRIME.

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