Why do so-called Republicans always have to lose? 

Not a question, but a statement of fact. Look at their smug rich faces. Going to Congress is just a side job for most Republicans. They’re too busy making money at their real jobs; they prefer to stay in the minority. They get into politics to network with other rich like-minded assholes who enjoy ripping off the country. Republicans go to Washington with the goal to fail, so as to ingratiate themselves to the socialist bureaucracy. In return, they enrich themselves by never doing what they promised their constituents and betraying their silly little oath of office. When they get a government job, it isn’t to actually help the Republic or the middle class. Some are so rich, like California’s recycled Congressman Darrell Issa, they just enjoy the TV exposure and being a thorn in the side of their frenemies. 

Republicans only political strategy for reelection is to postpone doing anything so as to create the need for their vote. When in power, they kick the can down the road. They only really shine when they put themselves in the minority so they can bitch and moan on cable news. It has worked for Darrell Issa (one of the richest men in Congress) for decades. 

What’s worse? Lying Republicans or lying Democrats?

Senator Lindsey Graham takes this approach to the extreme by wagging his finger at “The Killer” Putin, while ignoring the mass murder committed by the CCP under Xi Jinping. Lindsey gets to pretend he’s tough by funding skirmishes all over the Middle East, while keeping the US border wide open to MS13 and drug cartels. He knows the exponential illegal alien population will be voting Democrat. His only mission in life is to let Democrats do whatever damage they want to the American people, otherwise he serves no purpose other than making excuses on Faux News. Graham does absolutely nothing to stop the US government from turning into a murderous dictatorship, but gets his panties wet threatening Russia. 

What does the FBI have on the Southern Belle Senator?

Do Nothing Republicans simply don’t want to be in the majority. They go along with Democrat attempts to convince citizens that conservatives make up only 30% of the voting population. Republicans don’t want to govern. They would rather leave the day to day operations of the Federal Government to the socialists. That is just the way it is. They prefer the communist Washington elite over “smelly Walmart people who vote for Trump.” Rhino Senators John McCain and Mitt Romney understood that in order to be liked in Washington, you must shit on fellow Republicans and conservatives every chance you get. And start endless wars for the military industrial complex special interests.

A Republican’s highest calling is to cover up Democrat crimes.

Republicans are sent to the upper echelons of the Department of Justice to cover up the crimes committed by Democrats. The things the Clinton Cartel and associates do in plain view makes our country look bad in the international community, so party leaders like Mitch McConnell refuse to acknowledge Democrat high crimes. Lindsey Graham would have a fitful night’s sleep if the Russians found out how corrupt the United States government really is. (Which they already do and exploit) Republican officials slow walk investigations, bury damning stories during election season, and run interference on the American people to protect the Status Quo. They put themselves in positions to drag out Justice indefinitely, occasionally appearing on cable news to gaslight conservatives into complacency.

“Stay tuned” they always say, as they piss in your face.

Republicans put on a good show for the TV cameras, but in the end they always let Democrats get away with murder. They are accomplices. 

The DOJ will send 9 FBI agents to Talladega to check on a garage door opener re. a fake hate crime, but can’t muster the manpower to investigate the rampant voter fraud in Atlanta. Signaling his surrender to the Deep State, Bill Barr produces nothing involving the multiple Russia Hoax coup attempts on President Trump. Outgoing Attorney General Ralphie Boy would rather spend Christmas with the family than put Democrats in jail. 

See you later, Little Jefferey’s- hang in there…”

“… I don’t see any voter fraud and I definitely don’t know what’s on Hunter’s laptop…”

Conservative hacks like George Will feel more comfortable around paid Democrat liars and cheaters like Donna Brazile, than someone with a scintilla of mental prowess. They know, like Mittens and the Gang of Eight, that it is their place is pretend to disagree with the other Party. They get paid to get pissed on and called names.

When you combine horse shit and donkey urine sprayed in a fine mist for 30 minutes, sprinkled with Popeye’s fried chicken commercials.

Lincoln Project Founder Accused Of ‘Grooming Young Men’ and ‘Rape’

Donald Trump put the parasites of the Washington consultant class out of work. Unlike Jeb Bush, Orange Man Bad doesn’t need to pay someone to tell him what to say. Enter the Lincoln Project, a communist Chinese mindfuck created by “Republican strategist” and gay sex groomer John Weaver, fellow traitor and CNN favorite named Rick Wilson, and their best friend a cock sucking lawyer named George “Pudding” Conway. The Lincoln Project claims to be a Republican think tank that goes ape shit when conservatives policies are actually implemented. Especially if Trump gets credit for it.  Never-Trump PAC members are the bottom feeders of the Deep State Swamp and their actions speak for themselves. Fellow shitheads like Conway and Wilson pretend not to know of John Weaver’s actions going on for years in their face.

“Can I hold your coat, dear, while I stab you in the back?”

The perfect example of a Belt-Way Republican IS George Conway, the spouse of Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway. In order to maintain a job in Washington DC, Georgie Porgie has to post daily anti-Trump Tweets, bad-mouth his wife’s job and lie about the administration she works for. Kellyanne is the bread-winner of the family while her fuck-face husband twiddles around the so-called pro Republican Lincoln Project PAC. Fuck head Georgie and his traitorous cohorts actually spend their days figuring out ways for Republicans to lose elections, while pretending to be conservative Republicans themselves. Meanwhile the founder of the Lincoln Project diddles teenage boys. The Swamp loves them. Then again The Swamp also loves pedophiles and rapists. They fit right in. 

“Honey, Donald Trump piddle in my Underroos again”

Despite Kellyanne Conway pulling off the greatest underdog election campaign in human history, her insignificant other spends his work day tearing it all down. Once on the short list for Solicitor General just to shut him up, George Conway cannot pull a Washington salary unless he repeatedly and publicly shits on his wife’s accomplishments. He doesn’t want anyone to think he supports her (or spends her Trump dollars or lives in her $8 million 15,000 sf Trump mansion in DC ). They ain’t like the other Washington Odd Couple, Mary Matalin and James Carville who play both sides of the political fence in marital harmony.

“A face only a maggot could love.”

The Republican definition of sharing power is called losing.

The failed “conservative” toilet paper magazine National Review spent decades espousing Republican talking points, only to be exposed in the age of Trump to be a bonafide fraud. Exit Billy Kristol and Jonah Goldberg, hated by both Republicans and Democrats.

“What’s the matter, didn’t we fail enough for you?”

In the Trump Era, it all makes perfect sense how the SWAMP does business.

Senate soon-to-be Minority Leader Mitch McConnell pisses himself like a frightened turtle whenever faced with a difficult decision on what is best for America and what is best for China. McConnell, like most of the Republican and Democrat Party has vested interests in Chinese businesses stealing from and surpassing US companies. McConnell and his fellow swamp creature wife (the Secretary of Transportation and a Trump cabinet member) have used their government positions to secure federal grants for family members. They all have very close ties to Chinese shipping industries and use government travel as means to develop communist backed business interests. They didn’t raise an eyebrow when mainland military forces crushed Hong Kong freedom protests. They don’t bat an eye when BLM groups burned down an American store owner’s means of making a living.

“Aah make a funny sound when aah pee…”

98% Democrats and over half Republicans invest their personal wealth in fake Chinese companies propped up by the CCP.

Other mentionable fake conservatives are former RNC Chair Michael Steele, who endorsed Joe Biden and illegal mail-in ballot stuffing, and weirdo John Kasich who can’t get over Trump reminding him what a fucking loser he is. Both spent time in Washington politics to make sure Republicans never get anything done they promised. 

There are all kinds of creatures in The Swamp.

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