Communist sell-out “complains” about Chinese censorship

Posted: September 16, 2020 in Uncategorized
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Judd Apatow’s movies are as dangerous as Fentanyl and COVID- all are made with Chinese money.


Judd Apatow and the movie studios he works for are owned by the Chinese Communist Party. His job is to shit on America. And he takes his job seriously. He blames America for China’s “human rights violations” while accepting millions of dollars from Beijing to produce anti-American dog shit. He couldn’t work on Sesame Street or make Taco Bell commercials. He is a funny as a brain tumor. And the more brain damaged society gets, the more lame brain Hollywood Jew humor is pumped out to infect us. Apatow and Company’s brand of “entertainment” is a weapon designed by Marxists in the 1950’s. It is purposely demoralizing and fucking stupid, but held up as the American cultural standard-bearer around the world.

Yes, little kids should smoke dope with gay puppets, dude.

Apatow’s productions would have him shot in mainland China, that’s why they are never seen by movie goers in the communist paradise he and his ilk like Adam Schiff adore. Traitors like Apatow call American patriots “Nazis”, while working hand-in-hand with the most murderous regime in human history to take down our country.

In pure communist propaganda form, Apatow chides his own country for “not doing anything about concentration camps” in China, because he knows the Trump administration has restricted Chinese goods made by slave labor. Something Joe Biden would never do but in fact encourages more of. When Trump does something the Hollywood sell-outs know has universal support, they create a false narrative that nothing is being done.

From their Hollywood mansions, they peddle their horse crap to the social media masses that they are championing a worthy cause. They want to use their Chinese bought celebrity status for something good. It is all an attempt to hide their sedition. Trump has already done it. Obama didn’t do shit.

Similarly, Jonathan Leibowitz AKA Jon Stewart, hijacks conservative causes to inject his brand of Democrat Socialism into the narrative. Because Donald J. Trump has rebuilt the US Military after Obama/Biden shat (past tense of shit) on them for 8 years, Leibowitz pretends to care about sick Veterans. He actually promotes a communist brand of environmentalism a la’ The Green New Deal that would strip all VA Health benefits to hand over to illegal aliens. The former Daily Shit Show host gets a kick out of attacking the Military brass and the big ol’ mean government he worships like Michael Moore. With Leibowitz, it’s always “ABOUT THE AIR” not the people exposed to the filth in Democrat run cities.

Jon Leibowitz thinks he can fool wounded soldiers by disparaging the Democrats in Congress he helps get elected to gut the military. Trump has already fixed the VA.

Like Apatow, the former Comedy Central host spends his free time pretending to give a shit about America, while he continues to denigrate it with George Soros talking points. Jon “Stewart” Leibowitz has cheered on every single defense sequester, made excuses for every single cut to military funding, and lies through his teeth daily to cover up Democrat corruption. Every single Democrat run city has homeless bums shitting on the sidewalks, junkies shooting up in the parks, and child molesters jerking off in front of elementary schools.

The quid-pro-quo is simple: release deranged garbage unto Western culture in exchange for free advertising on Democrat run late night TV and big Chi-Com bucks to launder back to the Democrat Party. These pieces of shit pretend to complain about movie studios self-censoring on China’s behalf, and soldiers getting sick, when they produce and Tweet weaponized propaganda for the Chinese military.

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