Movie studios grovel to China for money

Posted: May 25, 2021 in Uncategorized
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Shithead begs China for forgiveness after mentioning “Taiwan;” no apology issued for the Wuhan Bioweapons Lab killing millions of people.

All the proof you need to know that Hollywood is owned by China. They repeat psychotic lies that Taiwan doesn’t exist. According to Breitbart, John Cena’s recent interview on Taiwan TV may cost NBCUniversal billions of dollars for acknowledging Taiwan as a “country.” WWE and movie moguls rushed the steroid-fused D-List actor to Chinese owned Twitter for a heartfelt apology. They don’t do it just for the Chinese money; Hollywood hates democratic republics.  (Source: Breitbart News)

Hollywood communists are in favor of a Chinese Communist takeover of the sovereign nation of Taiwan. Just like the way they looked the other way when mainland CCP cracked down on Hong Kong. Big Tech wipes the images of the Taiwanese flag from the Internet. Even the US State Department has removed the flag of Taiwan from government websites to appease the CCP. Never doubt the money the Communist Chinese pump into the entertainment industry. They would be happy to see 25 million Taiwan citizens wiped out, as much as they would love to see Israel fold under Islamic invasion. 


Micro-brain issues apology to the Chinese military for slipping up and referring to Taiwan as a “country.” Imagine if Hollywood actors begged forgiveness for calling Poland a country during WWII, or wearing the flag of East Germany at their pro-USSR rallies. Democrats don’t like Russia anymore because Putin doesn’t have the money to bribe them. Xi Jinping’s mass genocide is more in line with their politics. Propaganda piece for the CCP military’s murderous regime, John Cena has never been in the US military.

John Cena’s career has tanked over the years, as the steroids began to take their toll. He can be seen as the sidekick on Ted Turner’s Wipeout and portraying Captain Butthole on the newest James Gunn pedophile friendly Suicide Squad. When unemployed decaying wrestlers work for China, Ted Turner, and raging pedophiles, there’s no telling how far they will drop, like Cena’s shriveled testicles.

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